We setup OSticket for our Amazon store customer support. Unfortunately OS ticket does not work with Amazon email format. The header of email received from Amazon looks like this:

From: Amazon Communication Center

Reply-To: customer name

OSticket automatically take "From" email by default and ignore "Reply-To" email. So all email we replied were rebounced back.

Is it possible to manually edit customer email address?

Should this be a bug or new feature?


2 months later

Same issue here?

any help on this issue. Did you find a solution or another product that will work with amazon's emails?

Tom Mullins

14 days later

Solution suggestion

Didn't test this so you probably want to check it out first...if you wish to simply always repalce from with reply-to info...in the include folder, find the class.pop3.php file...search for the function: getHeaderInfo() and find the line:


Replace "from" with "reply_to" and you should be good to go.

If you want reply_to only used when you have an amazon address, then a quick if statement could resolve that.

Hope that helps.


2 years later

I know this is an old thread, but has anyone had success with getting the reply-to address to work? We also get emails where we need to use the reply-to address instead of the from address. I am using IMAP and have edited class.mailfetch.php (at line 14) from this:

function getHeaderInfo($mid) {



to say:

function getHeaderInfo($mid) {



and the program stops retrieving emails when I know there are emails on the server. This is the only issue holding me back from using OSTicket. Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


Don't have time to test this right now, but off the top of my head, it should be reply_to not reply-to

4 months later

Piping Method

Anybody know how to get email piping to honor reply to?

3 months later

Can anyone else has more effective way to deal with trouble ?

a month later

I just added this little bit of code so that if the reply-to address is set it uses it otherwise it will use the from email address.


function getHeaderInfo($mid) {




function getHeaderInfo($mid) {


if (isset($headerinfo->reply_to)){


} else {



Hope this helps.

10 months later

I just added this little bit of code so that if the reply-to address is set it uses it otherwise it will use the from email address.


function getHeaderInfo($mid) {




function getHeaderInfo($mid) {


if (isset($headerinfo->reply_to)){


} else {



Hope this helps.

THANKS... This definitely works...

9 years later

hi all - I had auto-reply rules that were using the reply-to header and all of it was working until i upgraded to ....
osTicket Version 1.14-git

its not working now.

Looks like somethign has broken wrt the detection of reply-to header in incoming emails


Tested this using latest develop (v1.14.2 + latest commits) with PHP 7.4 and MySQL 8.0 and see no issues.


    Thanks Kevin. i'll try upgrading to the latest and let you know if that fixes it.


    Post a screenshot of the entire filter (ie. the config, the rules, and the actions). There could be many reasons the system isn’t using the Reply-To header: the email in question doesn’t match certain criteria, another filter is taking precedence, the target channel isn’t right, etc.


      2 months later

      Kevin, What I have found is the following...

      Our email goes from
      (A)Sender > (B) intermediate server > forwarded to > (C) recipient mailbox on different server

      C is where Osticket is installed and running.
      Our configuration has been this way from 5 years but we have just moved Osticket to a new server C2 whereas previously we were using a server C1 ...
      In inspecting email headers, C1 did not add a return-path header but C2 is adding a return-path header.
      Since this new server (C2) is adding return path....

      Looks to me that The autoreply from OSticket is ignoring the reply-to if a return-path exists. <<< Is this a correct assumption

      In the emails we send
      (A) Sender has put a reply-to header into the email
      The recipient mailbox's server (C2) > adds a return-path header saying email originally received from.

      Is there a way to configure OSticket to ignore return-path and use reply-to if reply-to exists (because the filters are setup to use reply-to) and it was working when C1 wasnt adding a return-path.

      KevinTheJedi Since it was already working and nothing has changed I think its not the filter. I found another point that could be it, appreciate your advice on my previous message.

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