in include/staff/



case 'open':

after the break of the case "open" add:

//Start Mod by Ozkr

//My closed and open tickets

case 'assignedclosed':




case 'assignedopen':




//End Mod by Ozkr

to show the result find:

<a href="tickets.php?status=open"> <img src="images/view_open.gif" alt="View open" border=0></a>

and add:

Start Mod by Ozkr

My closed and open tickets

<a href="tickets.php?status=assignedclosed"> <img src="images/my_closed_btn.gif" alt="My Closed Tickets" border=0></a>

<a href="tickets.php?status=open"> <img src="images/view_open.gif" alt="My Open Tickets" border=0></a>

End Mod by Ozkr

My closed tickets


hi I use 1.6 st and I cant find

with line this is it??

I try use this mod bud in my open ticket I see all open Ticket and on My closed ticket I see 0 ticket

in 1.6 st is

after this:

<a href="tickets.php?status=assigned"><img src="images/refresh.gif" alt="Refresh" border=0></a>


Start Mod by Ozkr

My closed and open tickets

<a href="tickets.php?status=assignedopen"> <img src="images/my_open_btn.gif" alt="My Open Tickets" border=0></a>

<a href="tickets.php?status=assignedclosed"> <img src="images/my_closed_btn.gif" alt="My Closed Tickets" border=0></a>

End Mod by Ozkr

My closed tickets

I try use this mod bud in my open ticket I see all open Ticket and on My closed ticket I see 0 ticket

did you change your status Open and Closed in other languages?

no still in english

9 days later

It might be wise to point out that this is a user level mod, in that, it's for the individual tech to see their open and closed tickets, and not from a management perspective to see who has open and closed tickets. I first thought that it was the later (which is functionality that I need), however, the benefit of putting this in there makes it such that my techs can see their current open and closed tickets which is also functionality I need., Good find.

what you need is something like this:

yes this is very very good

8 days later

in 1.6 st is

after this:

<a href="tickets.php?status=assigned"><img src="images/refresh.gif" alt="Refresh" border=0></a>


Start Mod by Ozkr

My closed and open tickets

<a href="tickets.php?status=assignedopen"> <img src="images/my_open_btn.gif" alt="My Open Tickets" border=0></a>

<a href="tickets.php?status=assignedclosed"> <img src="images/my_closed_btn.gif" alt="My Closed Tickets" border=0></a>

End Mod by Ozkr

My closed tickets

Hi,ozkr.May i know why i can't find this line ?


what you need is something like this:

That *would* be handy.

2 months later

Can I had my_open_btn.gif my_closed_btn.gif



this are the images (spanish version)




Hi ozkr,

Do you have English version? Thank you for your help.

norb, do you have this mod working? I sucked here: "I try use this mod but in my open ticket I see all open Ticket and on My closed ticket I see 0 ticket " I run 1.6 ST. I would be gratefull for any help.

Yes it is working if your system had heavy modify code.


2) Search code "unassigned"...This is that's why you had "0"

After you plug and play with code then this code is easy and simple and work like a champ!

7 months later

My Closed tickets is not work any more


After I put the code Assign to from

Then My Closed tickets is not work any more. Please help

Thank you

2 months later

Just for thought...

instead of implementing this MOD, i have cross checked the search function to located the number of closed tickets & created tickets from specific staff.. and i guess it worked for me.. (so i guess.. no need to implement this mod)

I just have used email address of staff in search function

(Please correct me if i am wrong in understanding this MOD :)



After I put the code Assign to from

Then My Closed tickets is not work any more. Please help

Thank you

plz replace in include/staff/

$qwhere.=' AND ticket.status="open" AND ticket.staff_id='.db_input($staffId);


$qwhere.=' AND ticket.staff_id='.db_input($staffId);

this should solve the problem and you´ll see again the assignedclosed option in the correct way.

a month later
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