In our company on the support department, we've been working with OsTickets for over eight months now. We're using it so customers can ask for a question or to log and error.

What we would like to know is two things:

A: What is the most common question

B: Which customer is asking most questions

This way we can

A: Analyze our system it's usability. Do bug fixing, develop new features.

B: Send the customer a manual or give more/better training.

In the current version of OsTickets there's:

- Number of tickets

- Avarage rating (what is that about)

- Avarage ticket duraction

3 months later

This is something I would like to know, as well. Sounds like we are on the same page lucasdegen....I am wanting to do trending on my company's support tickets. Trending will enable us to determine what part of our site users have the most problems with and once that is identified we can then improve that section to reduce the support requests.

2 years later

Where are the statistics? I've moved around all the Admin and Staff panel and couldn't find anything.

Also, where's the rating/customer satisfaction evaluation or whatever you call it?

I hope you can help me. Thanks a lot in advance! :)

6 days later

the Mod your looking for is called reports. It will generate reports for you which should facilitate what you need. As for the CSAT I am not sure if that exists.

the Mod your looking for is called reports. It will generate reports for you which should facilitate what you need. As for the CSAT I am not sure if that exists.

Thanks for the reply :)

I'll have a look to that "reports" mod, although I don't usually like user mods for web-based systems, as they're usually removed when updating the system.

The customer satisfaction thing was posted in the 1.6 stable release thread, but I've just noticed they meant it would be available in the next version (d'oh!). I hope they add the option for staff to be able to answer tickets via email ^^

You're comments about not continuing from version to version mirror my own in a different thread in the channel. There are a few MODs for OSTicket (reports being one of them) which have a much faster release cycle than OSticket itself. So what I have found is that the Reports mod although, you're right, it is not included in the core release does get maintained VERY well. OSFAQ is another one of those mods which is well maintained.

as for pulling in MODS and keeping them in sync with the release cycle version 1.7 is in dev on Github so Peter has mentioned that if the community wants a MOD added that they can fork the code on git and request a pull to incorporate it in v 1.7 or future releases of OSTicket.

Nice to know :) Anyway, I think I'll wait for 1.7 to be released (it looks like it's coming soon), and then I'll think about mods.

I know it's too much to ask for osTicket developers, but it would be nice to have a plugins system, similar to Wordpress, for mods. Thus, no mod would be lost in updates.

Anyway, this is a great ticket system and it actually does a 99% of the things I need. It much better than just using email!

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