I am currently looking at osticket for a ticketing solution for our website. However I do have some questions:

1. Are there any plans for CMS and/or BB integration with Joomla, Mambo, PHPbb or vBulletin?

2. We expect that after our ramp-up period we will be receiving several hundred or even a thousand tickets per DAY. I have not seen any sort of 'round-robin' feature for distributing tickets among several available managers or 'staff.' Is this available as an option, or does it only assign new tickets to everyone in the related department?

3. We would also like to have a summary overview of statistics, open/pending/overdue/etc tickets, and user history. Is this possible?

4. Is there a login feature for staff members which acts as sort of a time-clock function? Meaning, they log in to show they are 'available' to receive tickets, and then at the end of the day they log out to remove from the 'available' support personnel queue.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any detailed documentation on the osticket system, so I hope I can get my answers here. :)

Thanks for your time!


2 months later

Unless the osticket development team add these kind of features you want in, i think you might be looking for something like eventum which is written by the mysql developers. ugly interface but quite powerful too though not easy to figure out.

6 years later

Its been years this thread was started. Nonetheless I believe this is the right place to post my query.

I am looking for some way to do round robin auto-assignment among team members. I searched this forum for anything similar to this but did not come across anything as yet. I am familiar with php, and willing to create a mod. Can somebody point me in the right direction for a head start? I am new to the osticket. Thank you!

There is no way to do round robin assignments in osTicket.  Of course I don't feel like it would add anything since anyone who is in the same department that a ticket is assigned to can work on it, like a pool of staff.And please don't zombie posts from 2008.

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