

It is here. I really think this should be in osticket. Be able to sms updates to clients.

It would really help.


Mazost Admin

a year later

SMS- I agree-- Quick confirmation of action coming

I agree!

To get a sms text response would reassure someone that help is on the way-- plus give a possible voice contact number, to help a person STUCK NOW!!

Mack B

2 months later

I third that motion

It is nice to see that great minds think alike. I think that SMS functionality would be great, not only for the clients but also for those doing the support. I am in the process of launching a new web venture, offering

web hosting, design, computer support etc. I found osTicket and am installing it as a way to provide customers with an easy way to submit trouble tickets.

It would be nice if there was an option to send an SMS either a specific individual, the manager, or group when a new email or web ticket is initially created.

2 months later

As I understand it, osTicket wouldn't be able to send SMS texts itself, you have to use a broker and their API to submit messages to them. Sans a service like the now-defunct (teleflip).

Another option is a USB GSM modem (or telephone that will allow AT commands) with a valid SIM and a carrier who allows unlimited SMS, or very cheap SMS.

Some resources on that:

(Sending SMS Messages from Linux)

(How are you sending SMS alerts? (in regard to the excellent Zabbix monitoring software)

(Web service) (negates the local GSM modem)

(Another one)

(Another one)

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