I'd like to take a look at a demonstration. I could not find a link to one on the osTicket site. If one is available, can someone point me to it?



A Helping Hand.

Hi There

i have just installed a DEMO site so that you can take a look around.

Link: http://www.ostickethacks.com/demo(http://www.ostickethacks.com/demo)

Admin Panel: http://www.ostickethacks.com/demo/scp(http://www.ostickethacks.com/demo/scp)

Admin Details

Username: admin

Password: admin

10 days later

Thanks for putting this up there..

4 months later

DEMO website doesn't work anymore. That is why I made some screenshots.

Admin Help Topics : blank

Admin Staff Members : blank

Staff Knowledge Base :


Staff Tickets : blank

There you go.

2 months later

That DEMO link is no longer active so I decided to make a new DEMO. Email addresses and IP's are hidden in the admin CP so don't worry about spam or anything like that.

Link: http://www.ostickethacks.com/demo(http://www.ostickethacks.com/demo)

Admin Panel: http://www.ostickethacks.com/demo/scp(http://www.ostickethacks.com/demo/scp)

Username: admin

Password: admin

osTicket Version: osTicket v1.6 RC4

MySQL Version: 5.0.51a

PHP Version: 5.2.6

Apache Version: 2.2.9 (Unix)

Operating System:Linux

6 months later

Login Problem

I think the script really has some problem with it.

The demo admin page is also having the same error as what most of us are experiencing here, can't logon to the admin interface.

If can, it will only be a while before we get log out again.

Just curious, is anyone currently working on this problem? :

The demo admin page is also having the same error as what most of us are experiencing here, can't logon to the admin interface.

It must be an issue with your browser cookies then. I've had no problems with the DEMO. The only people who seem to have session problems with the admin CP are users who install osTicket on a Windows server. The DEMO is hosted on a Linux server.

It must be an issue with your browser cookies then. I've had no problems with the DEMO. The only people who seem to have session problems with the admin CP are users who install osTicket on a Windows server. The DEMO is hosted on a Linux server.

I do not know why. I had been meddling with the osTicket script for the whole night yesterday and I cannot log in. However, after I wake up and try logging in again, everything works smoothly now.

Corey, I am not sure if you are talking about my web host server. I am currently using HostGator and I believe they are using Linux servers to my understanding.

Most login problem may be due to your internet connection

I am not very sure if that is true. However, yesterday, I was very comfortably logging on and off through my own osTicket system at my workplace.

However, when I come back home to try doing the same thing, I cannot do it. Very different to what I experience at home.

Corey mentioned about the browser cookie. That is what I suspect also. However, I have not the slightest idea on how to resolve that? Shouldn't the cookie be related to the specific browser I am using rather than which network I am connecting to?

I tried clearing my cookie before logging again, however, that does not help the situation at all.

I doubt it is my browser cookie giving me all the problem. After all, when I connect to a different network, things work out very smoothly. A different case when I am using my home internet connection.

Just wondering can that problem be due to one's connection to a specific network? :

Shouldn't the cookie be related to the specific browser I am using rather than which network I am connecting to?

If it's a different computer several things could effect it. Firewall, anti virus, etc...

Do other sites work fine?

5 months later

Same with me...

... Just wondering can that problem be due to one's connection to a specific network? :

Yeah. It also happened with me. When I used my osTicket at my office, everything's okay, especially when login and logout. And when I used at my home, after I logged in to admin panel and do nothing, even only about 5 minutes, then I was back continued accessing it, suddenly it back to login page again, and I had to login again.

I just wondering that this caused by my Internet connection since it was using dynamic IP Address provided by my ISP. But I was not really sure, whether that caused the problem. :

Best regards,

Masino Sinaga

osTicket checks the IP address as part of session validation. If osTicket is behind a proxy you will end up with session problems. For the next release we will make sure the IP checking is optional and configurable.

For now edit include/class.usersession.php isvalidSession function as shown below;


#Make sure IP is still same ( proxy access??????)

if(strcmp($ip, MD5($this->ip)))

return FALSE;


#Make sure IP is still same ( proxy access??????)

if(0 && strcmp($ip, MD5($this->ip)))

return FALSE;

a month later

I can't get to the ostickethacks.com domain at all. I'd really like to show a demo to some people at work, because this is a good solution for us. Are there any other demo sites? Anyone know when this one will be back up? Thanks.

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