A few things for ya ;-)

1. When creating a ticket for a customer why can we not choose a signature? I only see that option when replying back to an existing ticket. Maybe I am missing it?

2. When creating a ticket for a customer, they get the email and it just says "Support Ticket Opened" Is there a way for the subject of the support ticket to be included in the subject line of the email instead of "support ticket opened." - I ask because I respond to a lot of inquiries or initiate inquiries to customers and it would be good if the subject for the ticket showed up on their email they receive so they know what it is in reference to.

3. Including "Premade" issues for tickets the Admin or staff creates. So If I am creating a ticket for a customer I would like to just choose a specific issue. But instead I have to type out the issue. Is this feature available?

I have many of the exact same problems so the wording is always the same. Would be nice to have a pulldown and choose a prewritten email message I want to send. I see the canned response once the email has been open but not when creating a ticket. So everything is here, it just looks like it is not included in the create a ticket function.

4. Longer signature. I found out you cannot have to much in the signature or it cuts out stuff.

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks again for a great ticketing system!


1. I guess if you are creating a ticket on behalf of someone else, it would be unusual to include your own signature on that ticket... I imagine that is why the option is not there.

2. Not sure - never really done it. Perhaps have a look at the templates in the scp and see if you can modify it there.

3. You can definitely do this. You will need to edit include/staff/newTicket.inc.php to include a dropdown box with options of the 'premade' issues. There shouldn't be any modification to PHP required, so as long as you have basic html skills, you should be OK. There is a great tutorial on the forum for this - have a look around, search for 'adding new fields' - you don't need to add a new field, just read the bit about adding the field to newTicket.inc.php

4. You need to increase the size of the field in the database. I had to do that too, as our staff tend to have fairly long signatures!!

1. I mean creating a ticket for a customer. Like making a ticket for them to get, not for another support admin. When you create a ticket there is no option to choose a signature at the end...

I think I am going to look for someone to do all this stuff for me and I'll just pay them. I do not have the time nor knowledge to do these little tweaks. I'll write the Os Ticket folks. Thanks!


@[deleted] - most of the feature requests you made are already implemented! We even added a new template for staff-created tickets. (new version coming out this week ;) )

Note that you can edit email templates and change the subject line using placeholders variables e.g %subject for subject.

Hi Peter,

Thanks for answering here. Good to know they that stuff is implemented and or soon will be.

Man I tell you what, you guys make some extensive video walkthroughs and sell them for $19.99 and you will have a product. If you don't do it someone will.

EDIT: HAHA Someone already has I just found some PLR vids a dude made on OSTicket, cool.

I guess the thing it is lacking for us non techies is a lack of a thorough guide. I have no idea what most of the stuff is talking about in the wiki. I can do the basic stuff but other than that, I leave it to the pros.

So that is awesome it can do what I am talking about but how do I find out how to do it?

Like this page for instance: http://osticket.com/wiki/Email_Templates(http://osticket.com/wiki/Email_Templates) No idea how to use those variables, I need it in plain dumb English :) It's like Algebra 2 :

Also it just comes down to a lack of time for me. I would rather tell someone how I want it and pay to have it look that way and be done with it. So can I pay you guys to do that

Thanks again Peter, rockin product you guys have here.

You can see I at least know how to change the Logo on there ;-) http://www.rcsupersales.com/support(http://www.rcsupersales.com/support)


Ok, that is simple enough.

Go to the admin panel, and click emails, then the template sub-tab.

Select the template you are using, which is as likely as not the default, and probably the only one there!

Here you are presented with a series of templates. They are used for things such as letting a user know they have posted a message, letting staff know they have gotten a ticket, etc etc.

Using the variables is really pretty easy. Whenever you want to include data such as the ticketID, you use the matching variable - in this case you would use %ticketID.

So, instead of writing:

Hi, your ticket number is ????

you would write

Hi, your ticket number is %ticketID

Immediately before the email goes out, osTicket replaces the variables (such as ticketID) with the value you want to be in the email.

Have a go - you won't break anything by trying this (no promises, but it is highly unlikely!!)

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