I remember looking into this script years ago and it didn't seem to meet my needs...but I just came across it again today and WOW! I am very impressed as to how much this project has improved. I setup a ticketing system in one day for my side job, and it will suit my needs quite nicely.

So far...I only found one "bug" or unintended feature while I was testing, and I figured out why it was happening (I think). I put bug in quotes because I think it is an intended feature, although I think IMHO there are better ways of doing this.

The issue was that replies on an existing ticket was creating duplicate tickets. I have several email address that filter down to one address in Thunderbird. So if I create a ticket with the email of mail1@example.com, and that address is an alias for mail2@example.com, that means that if I reply to the ticket from my mail client, it creates a duplicate ticket. Because that reply is coming from mail2@example.com, and the ticket was created with mail1@example.com. I wonder if it might be easier to include some other ID that is not reliant to the email address. For security purposes, you could bind the ticket number with some sort of GUID that would have to be included in the body of the email or something? Just a thought.

I guess this would be possible with the username/password combination being planned??

In the mean time, you could always write a mod so that the system looked at the body of the email to identify the ticket number "" instead of the incoming email address. It would assume that the user didn't edit that number, though, which is definitely a dangerous assumption!! You would probably need to include a checksum somewhere...

Thanks for the kind words. We're glad you like the software. :)

Yes, this "bug" will be taken care of in the future. You're right. It's not so much a bug in terms that it is an error in the code as it is a lack of good implementation for handling multiple email addresses associated with the same ticket.

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