Typically you don't want to have to have a ticket opened for every single issue. You would like to be able to put a list of common problems on the front page and then customers can look at those first hopefully, and if they don't see a easy solution open a ticket. I see there is a "Knowledge Base" section, but can't see exactly how it should work. Everything else in the systems seems very straigt forward though. But is there a way to post some FAQs, and Answers for everyone to see.

(osFaq FAQ System)

Currently, the knowledge base only holds pre-made responses for use when replying to tickets. We will be expanding on this in the future to do more of what you describe.

2 months later

Hi Kelly,

I was wondering if the new knowledgebase for osTicket will make the osFaq module obsolete?

Its no biggy to me if it does as ive designed the system to be able to plug into a number of web based systems and can easily migrate it out.

The main reason I asked is I will stop trying to promote it as being a dedicated osTicket plugin if it will be made obsolete primarily to avoid mucking your existing clients around (EG: having to migrate data from one table to another, etc. when the new version is released).

Thanks in advance,

Tim Gall


It will be a full-featured knowledgebase/faq system and will be fully integrated with the multilanguage support.

While we're not intentionally aiming to put any of the mod makers "out of business" so tp speak, I can't see where there's much you would want/need a FAQ to do that the one we're building into the system won't.

My suggestion would be to promote the FAQ based on its flexibility to integrate with a number of systems, and provide osTicket integration instructions as one such example.

7 days later

Any word on when?

Any ideas when a Knowledge Base feature will be available?


4 months later

Any news on FAQ?

Currently, the knowledge base only holds pre-made responses for use when replying to tickets. We will be expanding on this in the future to do more of what you describe.

Hey Kelli,

Just wondering how you all are coming along with the FAQ integration. This would appear to be an important feature of a help desk.



I'm not sure. My work on it is, for the moment, done, and we had so much other stuff going on that it just didn't come up. I know Peter's been working on it, but that's about all I know, and he's not around right now to ask.

Release dates, etc. are all up to him, so I mostly just focus on the work I need to do and don't worry about it.

11 days later

(osFaq FAQ System)

Is there an optional password protection for this? I don't want just any user to be able to use the FAQ. Thanks.

2 months later

OS FAQ's is great, but it doesn't do that. If you wanted it hidden just use Knowledge base that's already built into osticket. However if you really wanted to use the OSFAQ's contrib you could accomplish this. Most host allow you to password protect a directory. OSFAQ's uses another directory to hold all of it's files. The only modification to the contrib you should have to do is not putting some of the php code on the main page that would list the FAQ's on the front page. I hope this helps. The OSFAQ's contrib is an absolute must have in osticket. I love it and use it a ton now.

4 months later

Kelli: Is this knowledgebase functionality now available?

Do you have Any ideas when a Knowledge Base feature will be available?

11 days later

I've got a feeling that this app is dead. No more updates since 02-09-2010

I've got a feeling that this app is dead. No more updates since 02-09-2010

Did you not read this thread?


5 months later

I love me some osTicket!

Just wondering when/if the Knowledge Base option will be available.



9 months later

Hi Kelly,

I was wondering if the new knowledgebase for osTicket will make the osFaq module obsolete?

Its no biggy to me if it does as ive designed the system to be able to plug into a number of web based systems and can easily migrate it out.

The main reason I asked is I will stop trying to promote it as being a dedicated osTicket plugin if it will be made obsolete primarily to avoid mucking your existing clients around (EG: having to migrate data from one table to another, etc. when the new version is released).

Thanks in advance,

Tim Gall

I have looked at the new FAQ built into OSticket 1.7 I would say it is not quite as robust as osFAQ. I have not seen a way to add sub-categories which comes in useful in an FAQ page. Aside from that though it does seem to include many of the OSFAQ features.

Rich_C: I agree with you. I did have a quick look at the database changes to support the new knowledgebase system in osticket and it does appear to have the infrastructure built in to support subcategories. If the functionality isn't enabled at the moment it looks like it will be down the track.

I haven't had much time to check out the new version beyond that.

When I get time I will make sure osFaq is compatible with the new osticket so existing osFaq users dont have any issues upgrading thier osticket installs.

I'll also put together a migration script to migrate osFaq entries to osTicket-KB entries and vice versa. Cant promise when but do have it on my todo list.



14 days later

I suppose one option would be to have it only used by those who log into the staff page....

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