@[deleted] - quite frankly, I find this more than a little insulting. If you can find another helpdesk that suits your needs better and want to use that, then that's great, more power to ya. I'm happy you've found something.
But as to the lack of support? Come on, really? If you want support you should, oh, I don't know, http://osticket.com/support(http://osticket.com/support).
It should be obvious by now: The forums are provided as a service for the community, to give members a way to interact and share and help one another. Yes, we try to respond to things when we have the time to, but it should also be obvious that we don't have the time to respond to everything, nor have we ever made any claims otherwise, nor have we ever said "for official, guaranteed support, post a random, non-specific thread on the forum." Rather, we have been very clear that it is a community forum provided as a resource. We know it's not the answer to everyone's question. That's why we also... get this... hang on... wait for it... offer professional support.
In all likelyhood, your issues have nothing at all to do with the migration and everything to do with the configuration of the new server. I'm afraid that's not something we can magically diagnose over a forum.
We provide the script absolutely free of charge, even give you the source code to it so you can make your own modifications, and basically allow you to do whatever you want with it. On top of that, we provide help in the forums when we have time to and also provide commercial support, and respond to a good number of support requests from users via the support system without charging a dime.
And yet your over-indulged sense of entitlement tells you that is not enough and leaves you thinking you should complain about lack of support when you haven't taken any steps to actually make a proper support request as outlined on our support page?
If you wanted professional support for osticket, it's there. All you had to do was ask.
Good luck finding another ticketing system.
@[deleted] - again, your issues are more likely related to something in your server's configuration rather than the move, itself, or customizations you've made to osTicket (it's pretty directory independent and doesn't really care where it is so long as its internal directory structure is in-tact, so I doubt the move itself is your problem). If you'd like to submit a support ticket where we can more privately (for security purposes) discuss the particulars of your server setup, we'd be happy to help you.