
i did some addons - if someone is interested - mail me.

1: Create Watchlist - if someone is interested in keeping informed of an ticket without beeing assign, he add or remove himselve or others to a watchlist.

All watcher's get email for each ticket activity.

2: I created a small script which delivers a ics-calender file. Just enter a new remote-calender on your desktop, enter the URL followed by your userid und you get all your open and assigned task's in your calender - scheduled at the due-date. This script is very easy now - no security or identity checks - this is the next step. It should be also possible in the future to modify task's by the calender application - just need to implement some webdav-stuff.

We use the ticket-system to manage task's within a company - so we dont have trouble-tickets which are solved within hours - we have project tasks which need days and weeks - now we can track that tasks.

For correct tracking we created a department caleld "Approval" - which we use for closing task after having the buyin from all responsible persons. Very easy - but nice workflow.

Jast mail me if needed



Check the screenshots for watchlist.



Some coder for testing the calender:

create a file calles cal.php on the main level.

Check your staff_id

go to your calender-application,

create new network/file-based calender

Setup the URL: http://your.osticket.com/cal.php?user=

Check "read only calender"

and have fun.

All task's appear like ' Description'







echo "No user-ID!";







PRODID Calender



//Showing only departments the user has access to...

$sql='select ost_department.dept_name as dept_name, subject,date_format(ost_ticket.updated,"%Y%m%dT%H%i00Z") as lastmodified,ticket_id,date_format(ost_ticket.created,"%Y%m%dT080000Z") '.

'as created,firstname,lastname,date_format(duedate,"%Y%m%dT080000Z") as duedate, ost_ticket.staff_id as staff_id, username, ost_staff.email as '.

'email from ost_ticket LEFT JOIN ost_staff on ost_ticket.staff_id=ost_staff.staff_id LEFT JOIN ost_department on ost_ticket.dept_id=ost_department.dept_id '.

'where ost_ticket.staff_id='.$user.' and closed IS NULL';

$list= db_query($sql);

while ($row = db_fetch_array($list)){

echo "BEGIN\n";

echo "DTSTAMP:".date("Ygd",time())."T".date("Hi",time())."00Z\n";

echo "ORGANIZER;CN=\"".$row."-".$row." ".$row."\":".$row."\n";

echo "CREATED:".$row."\n";

echo "UID:".$row."\n";

echo "LAST-MODIFIED:".$row."\n";

echo "SUMMARY:[".$row: ".$row."\n";

echo "DESCRIPTION http://tracker.osticketdomain.de/scp/tickets.php?id=".$row."\n";

echo "PRIORITY:".$row."\n";

echo "DUE;TZID=Europe/Berlin:".$row."\n";


echo "END\n";



echo "END\n";


13 years later

please would like more info on the calendar link into outlook.

10 days later


I highly doubt that you will get a response due to the age of this thread. So I am just going to close it.

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