- Edited
Hi all,
I'd love to see some spam protection features added to the system
I pipe some web forms into the ticket system, as well as direct lodgement-via-email, and I get a fair bit of spam tickets.
Ideally, I'd like to see some sort of "confirm this email address is real" type feature.
For example, when lodging a new ticket via email, the system responds to the source email address with a "You've attempted to create a ticket at such-and-such. To validate your email address, please reply to this email with the subject intact, or click the following link"
Once a user has authenticated their email address once, it could then be added to a white-list so they need not ever validate again.
The spam-bots would obviously fail their validation, and so their ticket creation requests wouldn't be authenticated. The system could delete all unauthenticated ticket creation requests after a user-configurable time period (e.g. 7 days, 48 hours, etc).
The admin should also be able to look at unauthenticated requests if they so desire, just for peace-of-mind to ensure that simple things like a user submitting a web form with a typo in their email address could be corrected.
Anyone else think this type of system would cut down on spam-tickets?
Kind regards,