I would like to see some kind of easily parse able xml feed so that an external program can run in the background to warn support personnel of new tickets etc. I was thinking of something like the following.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>







<user id="5">




<user id="11">




<user id="14">










Why not have multiple feeds to allow for things like:

All tickets owned by myself in an open state sorted by priority.

All new unassigned tickets in a particular department sorted by priority/age.

Perhaps an RSS feed based on a search query would be the better way of handling this.

The only problem with this is security. By granting access to these feeds you would have to perform authentication from the application trying to get the feed itself. Not sure how feasible this is.

My 2cents anyway.

Why not have multiple feeds to allow for things like:

All tickets owned by myself in an open state sorted by priority.

All new unassigned tickets in a particular department sorted by priority/age.

Perhaps an RSS feed based on a search query would be the better way of handling this.

The only problem with this is security. By granting access to these feeds you would have to perform authentication from the application trying to get the feed itself. Not sure how feasible this is.

That's not a bad idea. I think some kind of randomly generated 10-15 character url to the RSS feed would be sufficient for security. You could have a link somewhere on each user's profile to the RSS feed.

4 years later

Anyone took idea any further

Anyone took idea any further, as this something i am wanting, this mod..


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