- Edited
I'd like to see statistics on the types of support tickets I'm responding to. That way I can better understand the bigger issues, prioritize and begin to reduce the tickets I'm handling.
I'd like to see statistics on the types of support tickets I'm responding to. That way I can better understand the bigger issues, prioritize and begin to reduce the tickets I'm handling.
I'd like to see something like this as well.
I suppose if your familar with php you could make calls to mysql for things like total open tickets, closed tickets, etc. Maybe I'll write something later to display this information and post it here when I have some time.
This is an interesting topic.
Could do something like AWstats where it shows stats per day/month/year etc and have opened/closed calls per day/month etc as well.
Have an RRD graph to plot calls created/closed over time and red lines for overdue ones..
I might put this one on my own personal todo list (since I'm not an osticker developer)... can't guarentee i'd finish it or succeed but will update this post if i get a chance to do it.
The problem with doing this is that osticket does not do transaction logging. So it makes it harder to work out statistic details over time. You'd have to run a crontab daily and capture info as it comes in.. ie open calls with todays date, etc.
until osticket put something like this into main stream code, it's too ugly to do it this way or any other way really.
This is an interesting topic.Could do something like AWstats where it shows stats per day/month/year etc and have opened/closed calls per day/month etc as well.
That can allready be done:
Define a (sub)domain with the OSTicket physical path as document root (Apache). Afer to you have done so, alter the AWstats config file on logfile and domein name. That should work perfectly...
Pls keep in mind that the generated information _only_ reflects http actions (visits, locations etc). If you want ftp's (in this case OSTicket attachements) traced, then configure AWstats with an extra ftp configuration file on the same (sub)domain name...
I know what you mean but what I meant was awstats showing instead of "hits,visits,kb/day" etc it would be 'open,closed,overdue,escalated tickets/day/week/month' etc.etc..
awstats on ostickets http logs will show only a few things, index.php,scp/tickets.php, etc,etc and nothing about the actual ticket operation stats.
the best you can do is record on a daily basis which are open,closed,overdue and record for the day and then process that seperately.. pretty yukky way of doing it but easiest without osticket source changes.
Crystal Reports
If you have Crystal Reports you can create a report to show those statistics, then automate the report in a pie graph to export to HTML. I currently do this with open/closed by staff, open/closed by department and so on. I then automate the report to update every hour and generate the html to a folder on my web server. My staff and management can then click on the Reports link in the staff panel to see the html reports.
Not having transaction logging makes us hard to follow the statistic details. Is it necessary to provide transaction logging ?
If you have Crystal Reports you can create a report to show those statistics, then automate the report in a pie graph to export to HTML. I currently do this with open/closed by staff, open/closed by department and so on. I then automate the report to update every hour and generate the html to a folder on my web server. My staff and management can then click on the Reports link in the staff panel to see the html reports.
Hi, can u show how to do it using Crystal Reports. Appreciate the help. Thanks.