we have the issue, that every 6 months our token to Office365 expires. No matter what time we set for the token.
Regenerating the secret does not help. Whenever I click on mailbox settings and configure OAuth2 - Microsoft and click on save if opens the login page to Microsoft to sign in. However once signed in it redirects me right back to the default page of the mailbox I try to set up.
OAuth is not connected. Next "issue" I have is, that I can not switch the register to "Remote Mailbox". It changes the URL but doesn't update the page itself.
When trying to completely delete the mailbox and App Registration in Office365 the same thing happens. Each time I try to authenticate with the mailbox (It's the same Adress and has Appication Manager rights) it doesn't open the window to allow permissions to the App (The Page from Microsoft itself) but instead goes right back to the default page of my mailbox in osTicket.
I also can't seem to change settings of the mailbox itself. Even when entering every single setting that has the * and click on save it says "Cannot update this email. Correct all errors and try again."
I already deleted the OAuth Plugin and we are up to dae. Even completely setting osTicket on offline mode doesn't help.
I'm happy for any help.