Hi Kevin,
Took a while to respond cause I had to get with the guy who manages the webserver part (nginx). I gave him your suggestion to edit the nginx configuration and he said he did, made some corrections to what you gave us but after all now it all works again. First of all a big thank you for helping here and pointing us into the right direction.
Just a question out of curiosity: Do you know or can you explain why we ran into this issue on nginx while on our testinstance, that is running on LightSpeed, this was not caused any issue and we didn't need to configure anything to make it work on that instance? When I asked the webserver admin why it was an issue on nginx he said:
"Nginx was not issue, the issue was osticket needs special URI for ajax.php. You can see this URI was accessed: /ajax.php/form/upload/ticket/attach. but there is no such file under ajax.php folder.
I dont know how LiteSpeed handle the URI which is not pointed to actual files".
he also mentioned "Lightspeed has rewrite engine to handle such jobs to rewrite the "fake" request to actual location."
My question, is this a bug in osTicket, accessing wrong URI, that we are now correcting with the nginx configuration or do you see this differently?
Again, big thanks for your help!
Have a good weekend. Cheers, Hans