
Ticket From Client Portal
Create New Ticket > fill out user information > select a Help Topic > add needed information to the Issue Summary field > create the Ticket

Ticket From Email
Compose New Email > add needed information to the Subject line > send the email

When they enter to issue summary. the help topic is gone.
see the attach file


    Yes, it's either the Subject/Issue Summary or the Help Topic. Help Topic is only used when no Subject/Issue Summary provided.


    Thank you for ur support
    But if you see the second attachment the help topic and the issue summary is showing togather.


      Yes, but as I explained the Help Topic is only used in-place of the Issue Summary/Subject if no Issue Summary/Subject is provided. This means if you provide an Issue Summary/Subject then the Help Topic will not be used in the Issue Summary/Subject.

      Why don’t you simply add a new column that shows the Help Topic? This way you can see both the Help Topic and Issue Summary/Subject in the queue at the same time.



      8 days later

      Thank you for replay but i want show the help topic and issue details(Thread Entry)
      as showing in the attach file


        There is no way to combine the two in one column. However as I said above you can simply create and add another column to whatever queue that shows the help topic. You can even make it appear after the issue summary however it’d be in its own column.


        Dear KevinTheJedi,

        I have created a new column and added the necessary data, but I am unable to find the issue details as shown in the attached file.

        Could you please assist me in resolving this?


          You can’t add the Issue Details to the queues as a column. Data is simply too complex and lengthy.


          Could you please tell me where I can find the code files for this page in order to modify the columns?


            The code is open source and available on GitHub. You are always on your own when modifying the codebase as you are deviating from core. You will proceed at your own risk. Good luck!


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