We have osTicket v1.18.1 running on AlmaLinux 9.4, and are using OAuth2 with an O365 email address to retrieve email and generate tickets. As of a few days ago, tickets have stopped getting generated.
I have read posts mentioning that the v2 API has been deprecated, however the following is true in our osTicket environment:
- We are not noticing any errors
- The client secret is valid until 2026
- Tokens are still getting generated and are valid (showing as green with a current date/time).
We took a snapshot of the server and tried re-authenticating/using a new secret. We also tried changing the password to the email account. Upon trying to authenticate, we received the v2 deprecation error. We restored the VM snapshot and is it once again obtaining tokens, but still no tickets are getting generated since it's not pulling any email.
I have seen the posts where it recommends modifying and updating the files in order to resolve this issue.
The issue is that we do not have the root credentials to actually get into the Linux server. We have no ability to export data, or see the database contents (not even sure where that's stored?).
Is it possible that because of the possible rolling API v2 deprecation, even though we are getting valid tokens, that the IMAP functionality has permanently stopped working? Is our only option to build a new server with the fixes and lose all of the data, or perhaps use a utility where we can reset the root credentials on the Linux box and then make the recommended fixes (modifying files, DB, etc.)?
Or am I completely looking in the wrong place troubleshooting this since the token is valid?
Thank you.