😆 😎 I did find where that is being defined. I removed my previous edits made changes appropriate to where the static function is built.
Here is what I have done. I added a variable to the include/staff/ for $allowedTags and then added this variable to the places where Format::striptags is called. I then added the strip_tags function inside the custom static function. This would allow the flexibility of defining the $allowedTags per item, per page. Snippets are below
$allowedTags = '<p>,<br>';
$v = $html ? Format::striptags($a->display(), $allowedTags) : $a->display();
$clean = (Format::striptags($v, $allowedTags))
? ($html ? Format::striptags($v, $allowedTags) : $v)
: '—' . __('Empty') . '—';
static function striptags($var, $excludedTags=null, $decode=true) {
return array_map(array('Format','striptags'), $var, array_fill(0, count($var), $decode));
return strip_tags($decode?Format::htmldecode($var):$var, $excludedTags);