6 days later


I have updated the OAUTH2 Plugin, altered the source code files as requested, and everything authorizes correctly. The Oauth authentication works and no errors pop up.

However, When I send email nothing happens. It looks like the email should send fine, no errors, but I don't recieve any email sent.

Also, It's not fetching any emails from our helpdesk box so thus not creating tickets.

Any ideas? I've already tried deleting and recreating the Oauth2 in Azure and like I said, no errors.

    5 days later

    I have updated the plugin, but after making the code changes my instance stops working as I get an error message when I visit the site. This is when the class.oauth2.php file has been modified. Replacing it back with the old causes it to function correctly (well able to reach the site again).
    I am 1.18.1 and used the latest plugin update was done from 1.17.3 in effort to solve.
    After reverting to prior versions of patch (remaining on 1.18.1):
    I am able to send mails, but it is not able to fetch - no errors listed that I can find.
    Clicking save changes on my email account, I end up with an error:
    Unable to update this email. Correct any errors below and try again (no errors indicated).
    on the outgoing SMTP this error is displayed:
    5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, SmtpClientAuthentication is disabled for the Tenant. Visit https://aka.ms/smtp_auth_disabled for more information.[rest omitted]


      You no longer need to do that. We released an updated build of the plugin on our download page a while ago. Simply download the new build and install it. Then simply follow the steps listed in the attention notice at the top of this page:


        KevinTheJedi Thank you sir. It is working, for some reason my mail fetch stopped collecting. This was due to task no longer running I guess. I reset up a task to use cron.php and I am now receiving the mails into my helpdesk system.

        15 days later

        Hi friend, this week the emails on my sticket stopped and I came across this post, I use business outlook with my own domain, I've already done the step-by-step instructions you gave above:
        Downloaded the new build of OAuth2 plugin from the osTicket download page.
        Replaced your existing auth-oauth2.phar file with the new one.
        You've made these changes in your code.
        You've restarted your web server (and PHP-FPM if you're running it) to clear any server-side file caching. If using a hosting provider they will likely have additional file caching and if that’s the case reach out to ask how to clear said cache.
        Opened an incognito/private window.
        Navigated to your system email in osTicket.
        Clicked Remote Mailbox and clicked Config.
        Deleted the existing token (if one)......

        However, when I log in to the email it redirects to the osticket support home page, the pop does not appear for me to authorize and generate the token,
        I'm currently running osticket in a docker with ngix, I've already restarted the container and it has nginx, but I still have the problem.

          a month later

          Hey @KevinTheJedi
          Any chance you can change the pinned answer now that this is fixed with the latest update? It's quite a long thread with lots of "try this" and "change this", but i can confirm updating from 1.17.4 to 1.17.6 resolves it fully.
          Thanks for all the hard work and effort you put in to this system. It's rare that i hit a problem that isn't answered here or already fixed in the code! 🙂

            hi, sorry for the reply but is there an updated oauth2.php file with the above change made available to download ? i dont feel to confident in editing the file. Thanks I forgot to add that i'm using 1.18.1 and have the depreciation v2 error.

              a month later
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