Dear Jsezze

Thank you for the detailed explanation and the screenshot users and Admin receive the initial alert notification when creating a ticket. However, after an agent or admin replies to the ticket, the user does not receive any further email notifications about those replies.

It appears that when an admin replies to a ticket, the user does not receive an email alert. The user is only able to see the reply by logging in and checking the osTicket dashboard.

To clarify, it seems there are two types of emails involved in this process:
Initial Alert Notification: This is successfully sent mail when a user creates a ticket. (Admin & User)
Reply Notifications: Users are not receiving email alerts when an agent or admin replies to the ticket.
This issue persists for all further replies in the thread. Despite the initial notification being received, no subsequent alerts are sent to inform the user of updates.
Could you please review the notification settings to ensure that reply notifications are enabled and functioning properly for ongoing ticket conversations? Your insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you again for your assistance.