
En la pagina para probar la configuracion de correo, da un error al momento de ingresar un correo que es valido pero el proceso de validación dice que no. El dominio del correo es @ing.unp.edu.ar, (que es valido) pero la función de validación dice que no. Como se puede solucionar?



  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • rjauregui

    Your DNS is likely having issues or something along those lines. By default the Admin Panel > Emails > Settings > Verify Email Addresses setting is enabled which does DNS lookups (specifically MX, A, and AAAA records) on the email to verify if it’s legitimate or not. This helps fight spam from people submitting tickets/emails with bogus addresses.

    As a test you can disable the setting, save changes, and retest. However this should only be under test scenarios. In production you would obviously want this setting enabled.

    So in short, you will need to fix your server’s DNS issues before deploying to production.



    Your DNS is likely having issues or something along those lines. By default the Admin Panel > Emails > Settings > Verify Email Addresses setting is enabled which does DNS lookups (specifically MX, A, and AAAA records) on the email to verify if it’s legitimate or not. This helps fight spam from people submitting tickets/emails with bogus addresses.

    As a test you can disable the setting, save changes, and retest. However this should only be under test scenarios. In production you would obviously want this setting enabled.

    So in short, you will need to fix your server’s DNS issues before deploying to production.


    3 months later
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