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Can we use any open source database like Postgre SQL instead of MySQL for OSTIcket tool installation on Windows Desktop OS (Windows10/11)
Can we use any open source database like Postgre SQL instead of MySQL for OSTIcket tool installation on Windows Desktop OS (Windows10/11)
First off, I had to change your username as you are not permitted to use something like "OSTicketAdmin" on this Forum. It could falsely give people the impression that you are an admin of the Forum or something; when you're not. Feel free to change it to something else to your liking in your Profile.
To answer your question, no, we only support MySQL and MariaDB databases at this time. We are currently working on v2.0 which will support PostgreSQL and other database backends in addition to MySQL and MariaDB.
Thanks for your reply. Apologize for the username part. I am trying to change it but unable to the option to change the name. As you mentioned Postgre SQL will be supported in 2.0 version, we are exploring 1.18.1 Version and setting up same. We will try with MariaDB since MySQL got licensed.
What would you like your Username to be? I can change it for you.
I would actually recommend MySQL 8.0+ as it has much better performance out-of-the-box than MariaDB these days. Also, MySQL has a free community version still.
Thanks Kevin. You can set username as "Swati G".
We can't use community edition for now. So going ahead with MariaDB with supported version mentioned in the installation guide of OSTicket tool "https://docs.osticket.com/en/latest/Getting%20Started/Installation.html"