hi All,
I recently upgraded osTicket from 1.5 to 1.18.1 and moved the server to IIS10. I backed up the database and populated it on mySQL 8.3. I faced some issues but I was able to successfully resolve them with the help online. However I recently discoved that existing users cant access their old accounts. I tried restting their password from the admin panel but when I try loggin in with the temp password it gives an error 'Access denied'. When I try this with a new useraccount(which wasnt a part of the old database), it will let me through and asks me to reset the password.
Could it be something from the old database thats causing this issue ?
Also, I have no issues with resetting existing agent passwords.
I checked PHP logs and osTicket logs but couldnt find any issues other than a mailer error which I am aware of.
Please find a snapshot of the system attached. It would be wonderful If I could get some help with this