All types of printing of tickets is not working where osticket is hosted in windows server 2019 and IIS 10, PHP 8.3.1
Ticket print issues in osTicket latest version
Please read the requirements. PHP 8.3 is not yet supported. You must downgrade PHP and retest. Also, since you are using windows I bet it’s an open_basedir issue. Add the full path to your system temp folder to the open_basedir PHP INI setting, restart IIS, and retest.
I downgraded PHP to 8.2 and updated the php.ini file with this line open_basedir = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\osticketweb; C:\Windows\TEMP\". This does not work and still HTTP 500 error is showing while printing the ticket please.
If I only add the TEMP folder, this error pops up "No input file specified."
Odd..revert the changes then. When you get a 500 error you need to check your PHP and web server error logs for any related errors.
Im having the same issues. The IIS and PHP error logs are clean. Everything is clean yet i still get a 500 error when i try to print.
Using PHP 8.1
I ran into so many IIS issues with PHP8+ that I dropped using IIS for Apache.
Do you have other PHP application sites running under this IIS instance?