Hi Guys,

When adding notes in osTicket, pasting text often leads to an extra line being added above and below the pasted content. This issue occurs whether pasting directly or into a different location within the note.

Example: if you copy and paste a word, let's say "urgent", from somewhere else, it might end up with extra lines like this:


I follow your way to do the same thing without an issue with my content, may I know what kind of your webserver config is? maybe you can try to paste the content into the URL address bar on a web browser and then copy and paste it into the ticket editor.


It looks like you aren’t using the latest version of osTicket. I would upgrade, restart the web server (and PHP-FPM if you’re running it), clear browser cache, and retest.



    At this time we are not in a position to upgrade as we have manual changes in place. I have restarted the webserver, PHP_FPM. Cleared the browser cache and retested it and the issue persists.


    I highly doubt it but you can change that setting in your Agent Profile. It’s called Editor Spacing.

    Well that’s why you don’t modify the code as you’ll always be behind and have bugs and never receive support from us.


      5 days later


      Have updated my system to the latest.

      Yet, The issue persists. Moreover, even when I copy and paste a word within the editor I observe the said behavior.


      Here, I copy pasted the word urgent from the first line into the second line.

      My Editor spacing is set to Single.


        Then it’s probably something in the raw content within the clipboard or maybe just an issue with the text editor itself.


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