Trying to figure out how to enable the PHP IMAP on my GoDaddy webserver I searched but really can't find a clear answer


Hosting - Web - Deluxe - Linux

PHP Version 5.3.24

MySQL Server version: 5.0.96

I created a php5.ini file in the root of the server with the following entries:

file_uploads = On

post_max_size = 100M

upload_max_filesize = 100M



OK so I called GoDaddy and was told that IMAP extensions are not available on a shared hosting account and I'm not going to upgrade to a virtual host machine ... unreal... so what functionality will I lose since this isn't available to me?

I found this thread but I am still searching and reading... any help or advice would be appreciated.

You wont be able to use POP or IMAP to poll for mail.

GoDaddy last time I checked support custom php.ini files though, so you may be able to enable the extension with a custom php.ini file. You would want to check with them or try it to see if it works.

Well isn't that just great news : I do know that adding a php5.ini to the root works because it effects my blog media upload size but I am still not sure about this whole e-mail thing... and the 2 guys I spoke with at Google had no idea.

I know I can send out because I did a test e-mail and it worked but I am confused on the rest

You wont be able to use POP or IMAP to poll for mail.

GoDaddy last time I checked support custom php.ini files though, so you may be able to enable the extension with a custom php.ini file. You would want to check with them or try it to see if it works.

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