we are using osTicket 1.18.0 (self hosted) and we see a strange behavior with a filter (the only filter we have).
Usually emailed tickets land in our Support department. We set up another email address that immediately forwards to our primary tickets address.
However, I'd like that tickets that are sent to the new address would end up in another department, so I set up a filter that looks at the destination address and eventually sets the correct department for the generated ticket.
Now, what happens is that, if the filter is triggered, the ticket is correctly put in another department, BUT the automatic reply to the requesting user is not sent out.

Looking in the system log, I see two errors:

  1. Mail Fetcher - Excessive errors processing emails for ssl://imaps.aruba.it:993/IMAP (Supporto Bluebiloba ). Please manually check the Fetch Folder () [1/50 - 0/1]
  2. Mailer Error - Unable to email via SMTP: tickets@domain_amended (ssl://smtps.aruba.it:465/SMTP) 5.2.0 Y40Zr4eftDmMNY40ZroOfY - Mittente non consentito / Sender not allowed ( header-from )

I don't know what causes the first error, but the email message is correctly retrieved anyway. Strangely enough, this error occurs only when the filter is triggered.

The second message is apparently the cause of the fact that the requestor does not get the automatic reply. However, the given reason (Sender not allowed) is nonsense, as the sender is the same as the one used when emails do not trigger the filter.

If I disable the filter, everything works correctly.

I do not know how to debug this situation. I tried to find more detailed logs on the server file system, but did not find any. Apache logs do not report any error.

Does anybody have any insights?

Some info on our system:
Versione di osTicket v1.18 (724de45)
Software del server web Apache/2.4.37 (rocky)
Versione di MySQL 10.3.39
Versione di PHP 8.2.12

O.S. is Rocky Linux v8.8

Thank you in advance

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • KevinTheJedi What's you System Default Email, Default Alert Email, and Default MTA (all under Admin Panel > Emails > Settings)?

    Also, what are the Outgoing Email and Autoresponse Email settings for the Department that's throwing the errors?

    Thank you, this question helped me finally solve the problem!
    I was using noreply@amended_domain for both outgoing and autoresponse email, but that address is not correctly configured for sending.
    After changing those addresses to the correct one (tickets@amended_domain) everything is working correctly.
    However, why was the error message indicating tickets@amended_domain?


    You should instead setup that second email as a system email with fetching and sending enabled. Then at the email level you can set the Department and not worry about filters for this.

    The first error means the email with the name “ Supporto Bluebiloba” has an email in the inbox that cannot be processed. You need to login to the mailbox and manually remove it. As for the second error your provider is saying the way you have stuff setup is not correct and the sender is not allowed. Setting this email up in the system with proper smtp should fix this issue.


      KevinTheJedi thank you for your prompt reply.
      I had already thought about setting things up as you suggest, and I'm already halfway.
      Nonetheless, I think this is a bug in osTicket.
      The first error, as you say, means that there is an email in the inbox that cannot be processed. BUT, it really has already been processed (I know this both because the ticket is created, and because the email is moved to an IMAP subfolder by the filter itself). Also, the IMAP configuration is the same as when the filter is not been triggered.
      The second error is apparently very clear: the sender is not allowed. But in this case too, the SMTP setup is the same as when the filter is not triggered, so the error makes no sense.



        I don’t think this is a bug but a setup issue. I’d need to review your whole setup to confirm though.


        Thank you. Do you want me to send something to you? Screenshots or anything?


          You can start with screenshots of the emails you have configured and screenshots of the filter. Then show the full raw email headers of an email that’s triggering the filter/errors.



          I just noticed you said you are using v1.18. Try upgrading to v1.18.1 and retest to make sure it's not actually a bug like you said. With the latest this should not occur. If it does still occur then it does really seem like a setup issue.


            Thanks. I'm going to upgrade and then I'll get back to you.


            20 days later

            Hi KevinTheJedi I upgraded my osTicket installation to v1.18.1 and tested the filter again.
            I still do not get the email when a new ticket is created (but only if the filter is triggered).
            Looking at the log, I see that now the first error ("Mail Fetcher - Excessive errors...") is gone. The second error however is still there: Unable to email via SMTP: tickets@domain_amended (ssl://smtps.aruba.it:465/SMTP) 5.2.0 fGjMr5mnNoGOvfGjMrRT2o - Mittente non consentito / Sender not allowed ( header-from ) .
            As I told you before, the sender is the same wether or not the filter is triggered, so I find it very strange.
            Another strange thing: now I get 4 "Mailer error" log messages for every time the filter is triggered:

            • the first is the error I wrote above
            • the second just says "Unable to email via Sendmail Unable to send mail: Unknown error"
            • the third says "Unable to email via SMTP: tickets@domain_amended (ssl://smtps.aruba.it:465/SMTP) Cannot issue HELO to existing session"
            • the fourth and last, say once again "Unable to email via Sendmail Unable to send mail: Unknown error"

            Very weird.


              What do your system email names look like? Any with special characters?



              What's you System Default Email, Default Alert Email, and Default MTA (all under Admin Panel > Emails > Settings)?

              Also, what are the Outgoing Email and Autoresponse Email settings for the Department that's throwing the errors?


                KevinTheJedi What's you System Default Email, Default Alert Email, and Default MTA (all under Admin Panel > Emails > Settings)?

                Also, what are the Outgoing Email and Autoresponse Email settings for the Department that's throwing the errors?

                Thank you, this question helped me finally solve the problem!
                I was using noreply@amended_domain for both outgoing and autoresponse email, but that address is not correctly configured for sending.
                After changing those addresses to the correct one (tickets@amended_domain) everything is working correctly.
                However, why was the error message indicating tickets@amended_domain?


                  I’m not certain at this stage. Maybe it was trying to use the tickets email as a backup and that failed for some reason?


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