I'm writing about two things:
On activating the rewrite plugin
Ticket Rewriter
Modifies an inbound ticket's details to be the original sender from a forwarded message.
Version: 1.1
Author: clonemeagain@gmail.com

I got an error:
osticket Fatal error: Declaration of RewriterPlugin::uninstall() must be compatible with Plugin::uninstall(&$errors) in /www/osticket/include/plugins/rewriter/class.RewriterPlugin.php on line 742

  1. - This plugin is obviously broken - possibly caused by an update somewhere.
  2. - There was no information on how to recover this findable in osTicket

Issue 1 - My install environment is:
osTicket Version 1.18-git (?) — 4689926 is available
Web Server Software nginx/1.25.1
MySQL Version 10.11.6
PHP Version 8.2.8

Issue 2
There is no way I found documented to fix this. The forums keep saying disable the plugin from OSTicket but as I cannot log in as ther eis just a single error line showing, then thats not an option.

My fix if it helps others:
1 - Go into the file structure of your Osticket Install
2 - Go to include/plugins
3 - Rename the folder of the broken plugin ( rewrite in my case)
4 - Go back into osTicket ( which will whinge its missing that folder)
5 - Go to Admin / Manage / plugins and DELETE that plug in ( disable doesnt work)
6 - Check OSTicket works

Rename the folder back to its origin or delete it at this point

I hope this helps others who got stuck and cant login to disable an errant plugin

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • oitconz

    That is a third party mod. We don’t support 3rd party mods. You are responsible for addressing any issues that arise when using 3rd party mods. But glad you posted your personal solution.

    I will say you can go to the database and delete the associated records of the UI is not working.



    That is a third party mod. We don’t support 3rd party mods. You are responsible for addressing any issues that arise when using 3rd party mods. But glad you posted your personal solution.

    I will say you can go to the database and delete the associated records of the UI is not working.


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