I have an issue using the osTicket 1.18 API. I found some calls on the web that work perfectly, but there is one in particular that i'm not able to figure out and it is the 'reply to an already existing ticket' one.
For example, the curl request I'm trying is the following:
curl -k -H "X-API-KEY: insertapikeyhere" -X POST -d '{
"ticketNumber": "248933",
"msgId": "",
"a": "reply",
"emailreply": "1",
"emailcollab": "1",
"cannedResp": "0",
"draft_id": "",
"response": "<html><head><title>Destiny</title></head><body><h1>Testtestest</h1><footer><p>Copyright @NOTES </p></footer></body></html>",
"signature": "none",
"reply_status_id": "1",
"staffUserName": "admin123",
"ip_address": "::1",
"attachments": []
}' https://mysite/api/http.php/tickets/reply?ticketNumber=248933
The response I'm receiving is 'URL not supported'.
Can you let me know what the correct endpoint is or is it something else that I'm doing wrong?
P.S I've created an API key as required and it does work with other calls. The ticket number also exists.
Thank you!