Go to Admin Panel > Manage > Forms, click Ticket Details Form, make sure all of your Fields have a Variable name, and Save Changes. Now, you can run cron manually over and over until the table is fully recreated and repopulated with data. We populate data in batches so the cron will need multiple runs depending on how many Tickets you have.
If you don't already have one, it's highly recommended that you setup a working Cron Job even if you don't fetch emails. Reason being is the Cron Job will routinely run system tasks like cleaning expired sessions, deleting orphaned files, rebuilding/repopulating CDATA tables, etc. Without it the system will simply rely on Auto-Cron which only runs during Agent activity; meaning an Agent has to be logged in (have an active session) and doing actions. It wouldn't run nearly as often as a Cron Job would.