Hi everyone,
There's already plenty of threads concerning this topic, but I still need some help, as we are running in production and it's not completely obvious (at least for me ;-)
One of our IT guy wrote an agent that mailed hundreds of cases to osTicket. We deleted them but it's still in the Dashboard, as we are using it for KPI, it would be nice to be able to completely remove them.
I've checked table thread and thread_event (as suggested in other posts). In table thread_event I can easily find the deleted entries by timestamp and username. But I can't in table thread, id and object_id doesn't seems to match with anything I have in the other table.
So how can I safely remove those deleted tickets from the dashboard ?
Thanks !!
PHP: 8.2.4
Arch Linux: Last update somewhere in September
osTicket: 1.17.3