Hello, I would like to know if this is possible:

My company's team needs emails from cajerosautomaticos@mail.com (where there are several people included, such as different company worker accounts) to be sent to all members of a department called "Alternative Channels Support". This department already has an assigned email, which is sopcanalternativo@mail.com. cajerosautomaticos@mail.com does not exist as a department or team within osTicket, so I would like to know how an email redirection could be set up from scratch?


    Add this email as a system email (Admin Panel > Emails > Emails > Add New Email), configure Fetching (Remote Mailbox tab), and then mail that gets sent to this address will be fetched and create Tickets. In the System Email configuration (Config tab) you can configure a Department so that when mail is fetched from this email and creates Tickets they will be assigned to this Department. Then you can add the necessary Agents to this Department to receive the needed Alerts.


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