Hi Team,

I have observerd that the notifcation messages of one ticket is being displayed in the other. Is their a way we can remove this? please let me know, Thanks in advance.

System Info:


    Seems like something isn't right. Please use the officially packaged version from our website and retest. Maybe also restart the server and see.


    I am using the latetst os-ticket code from github..

    I see this behavior when I have two tickets opened in diferent web tabs. We recently upgradef from 1.11.0 where the behavior was not seen.

      5 days later


      Sorry for the late response.
      Clearing the cache and cookies did solve the issue temporarely. The issue is observerd again after using the system for a period of time


        Yea I can’t replicate that. Do you have multiple people logging in to the same agent account? If so this will be an issue.



          No, we do not have multiple people logging in using the same agent account. Will it be an issue if an agent has multiple tabs open and working on tickets simultaneously?


            This behavior is due to code changes in the upgraded versions? This issue is not seen in v.1.11.0 as pointed out earlier.



              It honestly shouldn’t affect anything though. Are all your agents using the same IP to access the site? Meaning do you have a intranet or vpn or something that changes their IP to the same IP?


                KevinTheJedi Yes, That is accurate. We use VPN so all the agents will have the Same IPv4. Are you suggesting that this is the root cause of the problem?


                  It shouldn’t be but depending on how you have everything setup it might be contributing to the issue. Do you have Admin Panel > Settings > Agents > Bind Agent Session to IP enabled?


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