I did all the necessary checks, I'm not very expert but I didn't find any particular errors ( I use Wamp on Windows 2019 server ).
My problem is this:
When I try to configure the mailbox ( mailbox setting )
hostname : mail server 10.xx.xx.xx
port: 993
mailfolder: INBOX
protocol: IMAP (the other choice remains POP which I don't care about)
"Mail Fatching still disabled"
next to Authentication, there is the config item, I open and the window appears where you can enter your username and password to access your mailbox.
I insert the data that I am sure are correct, as soon as I click on save this message appears:
" cannot connect to host; error=stream_socket_client(): Uneble to connect to ssl://10.xx.xx.xx:993 ( Unknown error) (errno=0)
From this error it appears that you cannot connect to the server.
I did a test, I installed Osticket version 1.16 and with the same server and mailbox and also the same version configurations of PHP, Mysql and Apache and I have no problems, mail fetching works with IMAP.
So, from this we understand that the problem is on the version from 1.17 (I encountered the same type of problem) to 1.18, there is a bug related to basic authentication on these two versions.
I also tried upgrading from 1.16 ( which works and has no problems with IMAP email fetching ) to 1.17, but the situation doesn't improve.
IMAP email fetching on exchange on promise server with basic authentication ( Legacy ) works only on version 1.16, while it fails on version 1.17 and 1.18