It's unable to read a file on the filesystem so it's failing. You may have corrupted files on the filesystem, incorrect permissions/ownership on the files/folders, etc. There is no way for us to tell unless you look deeper into this. All we can see is the system cannot read the file /path/to/attachments/b/b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc.
KevinTheJedi Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I greatly appreciate it. Looking into this deeper, I can see that I elected to use the Plug-In "Attachment for the File System", and it is Enabled, however, under the "Instances" tab, selecting "Attachments on the filesystem"..... "attachments" was defined in the "Config" tab, but on my web server, the directory did not exist. I am also going to Admin Panel > Settings > System > Attachments Storage and Settings: >Store Attachments: > File System Attachments I will test out once all changes are put into place. Best Regards, John
Hello, I have made all the changes as discussed above. I now have the directory structure set. I added a few PDF attachment to a test ticket. Those appear to not error out, but the e-mail Alerts & Notifications still kicks out an error to the log file. Permissions are as follows: I can also now see that sub directories are being created within "attachments"....except for "b".
Hello again, Performed the following test. Logged out completely, created a brand new ticket. Received the following error message upon posting. "file not found" to the addresses below Ticket created successfully. It is really not liking that "b" sub dir .... I also notice that the log file is constantly nagging about the same file name.... b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc
Sorry for the constant barrage of updates. I have performed the following.... Manually created a file in the "b" sub directory and named it "b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc". The error message has gone away "file not found" has gone away, but I still cannot receive e-mails. The log file does not report issues. What should I look into next? Thank again for all your attention and assistance. Best Regards, John
First, check your Default System Email and Default Alert Email (Admin Panel > Emails > Settings) and make sure these are set to an address with SMTP configured. If those look good then you can double check your SMTP settings (Admin Panel > Emails > Emails > click the Email > click Outgoing (SMTP)) on the email that should be sending the alerts to ensure the settings are working correctly. You can save the Outgoing (SMTP) tab to test the SMTP connection (if Status is set to Enabled). If SMTP is working properly, the next thing to do would be to double/triple check all the alert settings in the system to ensure you have them configured correctly. Here is our Alerts Guide that will help. If those are all enabled adequately then you can check the Sent folder of the email sending the alerts to see if they are being sent and just not received or just not sent at all. If all else fails then you can only check your logs (general server logs, webserver error logs, PHP error logs, MySQL/MariaDB error logs, osTicket System Logs, Browser Console logs, etc.) for any related errors.
KevinTheJedi Thank you again for the prompt response. It is greatly appreciated. I was totally unaware of the Outgoing SMTP settings. I was under the impression that it was going to use the "Default MTA: While setting it up, I encountered one has to do with AUTH. I tried using Basic Auth (Legacy), but when I set it up, it did not like that and stated that I needed to use the OAuth2 plugin. I installed the plugin and reconvened the setup, however, I do not have any OAuth2 credentials. Am I doing something wrong? Is thee a different approach?
Thanks again!
What gave you the error about OAuth2? That seems to be incorrect as it appears you are using CPanel emails which don’t require modern auth (OAuth2). Basic Auth should work however you may need to contact your host to see why the connection fails. Could be wrong auth info, your host has SMTP restrictions, etc.
KevinTheJedi A pink box appeared when I was trying to use Basic I tried pulling it in from Remote Mailbox and that seemed to work.
Hello Again, I figured it out. I used Basic Authentication (Legacy) under Remote Mailbox, but disabled that as I do not want to port mail in from Clients (Users). I then went into Outgoing (SMTP) and used Same as Remote Mailbox and I was able to bypass the Auth nag screen. All the emails seem to be routing properly. Thank you Kevin!
Any idea why the Token did not get auto-refreshed? Deleting the existing token does not generate a new one.
You would need to start your own thread with your own environment details and detailed explanation of the issue. You can read this before posting: