You will need to check your logs (general server logs, webserver error logs, PHP error logs, MySQL/MariaDB error logs, osTicket System Logs, Browser Console logs, etc.) for any related errors. 500 is a generic error.
I have the same problem with OsTicket 1.18, PHP 8.1, MYSQL 8.0.33 and Apache2 2.4.52
In your case it can’t find the database named "osticket"; hence the error saying Unkown database osticket. Make sure you have created this database and gave the db user appropriate permissions to the database and flushed the privileges.
Unkown database osticket
I have install version 1.16 in the past and never had an issue the database. Also I never created the database manually, the installation scripts took care of that.
Then make sure the db user you are using has permissions to create databases.
The apache sample page is in the root of the server. If I try to browse to it from another computer, page cannot display. If I browse from localhost using lynx. It works.
That doesn’t sound like an osTicket issue. Sounds like the server isn’t public facing.
KevinTheJedi The osticket database has not been created as yet. I am using the root user, as you can see I am able to login via the cli.
Then I’m not too sure what’s going on. Here is the query we use to create the database (it hasn’t changed):
I got the same error when starting the configuration process. I had to:
It looks like the install process does not do any of these items. (and don't forget to remove write access (set privs to 0644) for ost-config.php file
Please read my message above. That's the query used to create the database (it hasn't changed in 10 years 🤯).
If you look at this bit of code you can see that the installer will:
If it's unable to create the database then most likely the database user you supplied does not have the appropriate permissions to create databases in the specified host.
I've always instructed people to:
The guides that I have seen (and wrtitten) to install osTicket also tell people to do this.