Hey, is it possible to achieve the following in osTicket?
I have looked on the forums and Googled for it but I wasnt able to find anything, I guess it's clear that there's no core osTicket plugin that can do this:

  • Create an automated report which generates a weekly report. This report contains:
    o All users who submitted tickets.
    o The amount of open and resolved tickets that week.

  • Create an automated report which generates a weekly report. This report contains:
    o all employees who resolve tickets.
    o How many tickets were resolved this week per employee, and open.

Create an automated report of all open tickets including status and handler.

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • Student208866

    No, there are no core plugins for this at this time. However, this is something on our feature request list and something we hope to accomplish after v2.0 has been established.

    In the meantime you'll have to write a small script that can generate the info you need from the database and schedule its execution with cron or something of the sort.



    No, there are no core plugins for this at this time. However, this is something on our feature request list and something we hope to accomplish after v2.0 has been established.

    In the meantime you'll have to write a small script that can generate the info you need from the database and schedule its execution with cron or something of the sort.


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