Ticket creation or reply on ticket is taking long time approx 10-15 seconds . when i disable the mail it is working fine and submit a ticket in 1-2second but when email send is enable then it will take 10-15 seconds . can you help into this. i am using gmail smtp.
Ticket creation or reply on ticket is taking long time approx 10-15 seconds .
Sounds like it’s taking some time to login to gmail, send emails out to all the recipients, and then finishing. There really isn’t much you can do unless you track the connection or debug the code to see exactly what part is taking a long time.
15 days later
osTicket essentially pauses when it needs to send an email to send it. So if your email server is many hops away and or times out etc... it will seem like creation is taking a long time... when the ticket is already made and it is just waiting on the email to be sent. You could likely speed this up by using your own email server, or setting up a email relay.