I've installed auth-ldap.phar and it looks like it installs properly against my linux-based ldap host.
When trying to auth, it gives this error:
[Wed May 24 20:24:17.620378 2023] [php:error] [pid 68015] [client] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare flatten() (previously declared in /var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/plugins/auth-ldap/authentication.php:3) in phar:///var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authentication.php on line 3

It looks like it's missing ../include/NET/LDAP2.php and other files.

Note: v 1.17 stable, using auth-ldap.phar 0.6.2

Also, additional error:

[Wed May 24 22:15:59.432355 2023] [php:error] [pid 1585] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function bind() on null in phar:///var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authentication.php:223\nStack trace:\n#0 phar:///var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authentication.php(479): LDAPAuthentication->authenticate()\n#1 /var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/class.auth.php(341): ClientLDAPAuthentication->authenticate()\n#2 /var/www/html/osticket/upload/login.php(51): AuthenticationBackend::process()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in phar:///var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authentication.php on line 223, referer: http://osticket.foo.comi/login.php
[Wed May 24 22:15:59.432440 2023] [php:error] [pid 1585] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: ldap_close(): Argument #1 ($ldap) must be of type resource, bool given in phar:///var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/include/Net/LDAP2.php:701\nStack trace:\n#0 phar:///var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/include/Net/LDAP2.php(701): ldap_close()\n#1 /var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/pear/PEAR.php(755): Net_LDAP2->_Net_LDAP2()\n#2 [internal function]: _PEAR_call_destructors()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in phar:///var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/include/Net/LDAP2.php on line 701, referer: http://osticket.foo.com/login.php

Looks great - I'm running PHP-8.0 and 1..17.3.
How do I download this? I don't see a means to clone it.....

It's erroring out with
Failed opening required 'include/Net/LDAP2.php' (include_path='./:/var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/:/var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/pear/:/var/www/html/osticket/upload/include/plugins/auth-ldap/include')

    Ah, I used the older link. I'll re-install and test. Thank you!

    Well. The new phar file is installed without error, thanks.
    Now, users log in but the application doesn't open - it's returning to a login screen after flashing up a brief "Please wait - it will take a second" window.

    The apache2 error log isn't showing errors, and the access log captures login attempts.
    /var/log/php.....log doesn't show any errors either.

    Any ideas? TIA for any guidance.

    Using v 17.3 and the auth-ldap.phar file you linked to above (says 0.6.2)


      Clear the cache and cookies and try again. Otherwise you'll have to check the User's Auth backend in the db to see if they are locked in to a specific auth method.


      It authenticates local users but not ldap users.
      Looking in the DB to determine whether or not specific auth methods are locked.

      I don't know what to expect from LDAP with osticket. Should the database autopopulate from ldap? Do I still need to create users?

      Updated PHP to 8.1
      Now it accepts ldap password but after logging in, we get a white screen.
      Making headway, festina lente...thank you

      Thank you!
      That was the last bit to get us to the finish line.
      Installed PHP8.1 and made sure to update php-8.1-ldap, and it began working.
      My manager is DELIGHTED.
      Grazie, grazie infinitamente!

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