Al levantar ticket me aparece una hora atrasada de acuerdo a la hora de América/Mexico_city, se revisó el PHP.INI y coincide tiene la misma zona horaria, se consultó en la base de datos MySQL y la hora también se encuentra correcta en los tickets es donde se muestra errónea


    Login to MySQL and run the following:

    SELECT @@GLOBAL.time_zone, @@GLOBAL.system_time_zone;

    Once you've done that post the results here.



    I would not rely on a static timezone for the database; especially as it can swap between CST and CDT depending on the Daylight Savings Time. Typically, you'd want your database timezone to be UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) so that the dates and times are universal and can be easily converted to the needed timezone.

    Update your database timezone to UTC and retest.


    ¿Ok, en este caso solo aplicaría el UPDATE? al campo @@GLOBAL.system_time_zone o a que campo seria


      The system_time_zone variable as that’s the one showing CST. I would suggest making this change in the MySQL configuration file so that the change is persistent (ie. will stay the same after restarts, etc.). After that run restart MySQL and run the SELECT statements again to confirm it has updated successfully.


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