Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance. The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.
Environment details? (see Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information)
How are you "replying to employees"?
osTicket has the concept of Users (customers) and Agents (staff who answer tickets).
Automatic messages sent to Users are controlled here:
Admin panel -> Settings -> Tickets click on the Autoresponder tab.
Automatic message sent to Agents are controlled here:
Admin panel -> Settings -> Tickets click on the Alerts and Notices tab
Russo7 And another thing, the time is set to check the inbox every 3 minutes, but it's taking a while for us to receive the calls on OSTicket... Can you help me?
How do you have this "set to check"?
Are you running Cron?
Windows Task Scheduler?
Please show us your scheduled task. (screen shot preferred)