So, i managed to do some testing and:
A normal user can login via MS oauth and then open/manage tickets without any problems ( although it's loading for quite a while after hitting the "create" button, and the user has a ' before the name in the tickets list, i guess it's a db import issue );
If i try to login with my AD/MS account ( which is also set as an operator ):
- i get "Login failed" in the osTicket system logs if i try to log in from the Operator Login page
- i get "DB Error #1062 Duplicate entry" in the osTicket system logs if i try to login as a user via MS oauth login
When I try to configure the Email Remote Mailbox/SMTP and hit the "send" button in the configuration menu i'm being redirected to the MS oauth page and after a succesfullt MS login i'm being redirected again to the same page of a normal user ( when i can open tickets and so on..) so i cannot really say if it's taking a token correctly.
This is a tenant/AD User with a shared mailbox in MS tenant and it's not an osTicket operator, but maybe it should be, idk, still cannot fetch emails.
Right now i can only login as an operator with the Administrator account, which is an operator ofc, so me and my collegues cannot login to manage tickets.. and if i try to use the reset password option in the operators menu, the operator cannot login therefore cannot change the password.
Basically i don't think I have URL rewrite issues, normal users can login and open tickets, i cannot really tell what's wrong with all of this.
Keep in mind i installed osTicket on a new dedicated server with ubuntu 22.04/php8.0 and the only operation i did on the machine is the system configuration following osTicket official guides, and your hints ofc