Hello there,
i am wondering how can i access the open source panel i need to make some modifications.
and if i may ask what coding language is osTicket using to modify a code?
thank you.
Hello there,
i am wondering how can i access the open source panel i need to make some modifications.
and if i may ask what coding language is osTicket using to modify a code?
thank you.
Huh? Open source panel?
Do you mean you want to edit the distribution files?
That would depend on how you access your webserver.
If you SFTPed the files then you would likely be able to SSH in and edit the files at the command prompt. Or you can edit the files locally on your computer and then re-upload them.
If you use a web host... some things like CPanel may have a open way to look at and edit the files. This would be dependent on your hosting company.
If you are self hosting (or using your companies web server) you would want to talk to your IT/IS department to find out how to access the files directly.
AKhojah and if i may ask what coding language is osTicket using to modify a code?
PHP, HTML, and some Java.
Hello there,
I did found how to get to the codes.
But if i may ask how can i remove/delete User and Collaborators when opening a new ticket.
In my case i have a supervisor and a pharmacies and the supervisor is responsible to supervise the pharmacist for an Example:
If the pharmacist needs a vacation he must contact hes supervisor to get approval and then the supervisor will approve This request and send/assign it to HR department.
Now i managed to create an organization for each supervisor (agent) and pharmacist (client) and added the pharmacist to this organization so each group of Pharmacist can communicate with their supervisor and not other supervisors.
Now when an agent is communicating with another agent they must fill the required form (User and Collaborators)
I need to remove it or disable this form because any agent can send a ticket behalf the other if they typed any agents Name in the user field for an example:
If i am sending a ticket i can type any agents name in the user field and it will be sent as the other agent and not me.
If you can give an advice about the supervisor and the pharmacist part i would be thankful,
And if you can help me find a solution about the User and Collaborators form i would be super thankful.
Thank you,
Best regards
Honestly I'm not real sure how to assist in this.
Collaborators can be removed from a ticket by any agent (They might need to have a permission to edit the ticket or something).