I've installed osTicket 1.17 using an email ticket@animap.us as the support email address. In the MTA dropdown list however it was populated as ticket@animap.us/ as the STMP server. This is causing emails not to send due to .us/ not being a TDL.

How can I fix this bug of the appended / to the .us TDL?


That’s just visual bug for that specific drop-down. Shouldn’t be affecting actual usage. Check your system logs for any mailer errors.


    KevinTheJedi Thanks for your response. My host doesn't have logging on automatically. Do you happen to know what directory the email is being sent from?

    If I know that I will add a corresponding php.ini to log the errors.

    osTicket logs only show "Unknown Reason"


      What do you mean? It’s sends from the laminas-mail package through the SMTP protocol. There is no specific directory.


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