Hi All
Can You found way to implement time spent on activity in OSTICKET.
I was using TIME SPENT plugin but it's not officialy supported with lates version.
Do You have any other plugins or maybe OSTICKET Team have something in plans ?

I try to use USER FORMS but it couldn't be added to ticket thread details where operator report activity.




    You can add a custom field on the Ticket Details Form (or a custom form) and add your time spent there. Of course, you will have to manually calculate the time.

    We do not have any core plugins that offer "Time Spent" functionality nor have this on our roadmap at this time. If anything this is a "Feature Request" for after the v2.0 release. We do not have any set release dates for v2.0 and it will be some time before it's released.


    There is a mod posted over at github for this (its written and maintained by a 3rd party).
    It's a pull request at the osTicket github.

    I use a time spent field in my production site(s). I have some custom scripts that I wrote to try to calculate how much time each agent has spent on tickets between two dates. (this is not something that I feel comfortable sharing because I'm not real sure how correct or accurate it is.)

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