- Edited
I'm trying to make better use of the Knowledge base and transfer some staff FAQ's from word documents and video files however one thing I can't seem to do is to embed attached video files in a Knowledgebase article - is this even possible ?
In this instance I am attaching a .mov (probably h264 encoded) video as a file attachment to a knowledgebase article - that works fine, although clicking on the attachment of course just provides a download link to download it to the users computer rather than play it.
So I'd like to embed the attached video file as a playable video within the same knowledgebase article - but I can't find any way to do it. The video embed button only works for Youtube/Vimeo (and presumably just embeds Youtube and Vimeo's own native HTML5 players) and trying to link directly to the attachment only gives you an ugly link which downloads the file same as clicking on the attachment directly.
Is there any way to embed a video attached directly to a knowledgebase article within the knowledgebase article body with an HTML5 player ?
I'm guessing not, but I just wanted to check. Seems like a missed opportunity if it's not possible - not everyone wants to host their videos on Youtube to embed them in a knowledgebase article...