This post is for @cartmega
So we have osticket installed on our server running versions:
osTicket Version v1.15.7 (26ab7e9) — Up to date
Web Server Software Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
MySQL Version 10.3.34
PHP Version 7.4.3
Anyways, I have all of the plugins configured, but what I need help with is, how do I go about setting up automatic sub-tasks creations? So we have a few requests that need additional requests to be created that are tied with the main request, for example: New Hire (main ticket) request created, then following sub-tasks are created such as Task1-1 Laptop Setup, Task 1-2 Cube Setup, Task 1-3 peripheral setup (you get the idea). I'm not sure if you have used the ticketing system Service Now, but that is how we would like to set our system up.