Hi everyone,
I would like to avoid old closed tickets to be reopened. For example by flagging them to "No Reopen" some days after the ticket has been closed. For example, after 15 days.
I tried it by creating a new status called "Closed No Reopen" with the NoReopen selected, but when tickets' status get changed, the closure date value is updated. And I don't want it to be changed.
I also tried by changing old tickets status to Archived with the "plugin-autocloser". I got the same result, the closure date get changed when the status changes to Archived.
I would like to keep the closure date unchanged in this case, because this will affect the statistics on our dashboard in which we display the number of closed ticket per month, the rate of SLA respect etc...

Is there a way to set tickets to "No Reopen" or to set them to Archived without changing the value of the Closure Date value?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

    Thanks for your reply. Do you know which part of the code should I customized, which files?


      This is quite a big task so there would be a lot of files that would need to change. With customizations you are on your own. Our code is open source so you can search and look through our code easily.


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