I'm trying to updrade Osticket from 1.12 to 1.15, but i got errors, so i thought about DB size issue which is more than 50G.
I'm tried to migrate Attachments from DB to File System,
In ost_file i have 94899 entry
When i tried this command
php setup/cli/manage.php file migrate --backend D --to F
#!/usr/bin/env php
The command finish quickly and i don't have a related error in logs
I tried to use limit parameter, and the command seems to be successful
php setup/cli/manage.php file migrate --backend D --to F --limit=200
#!/usr/bin/env php
Migrated 200 files
Is there a solution to migrate 94899 attachments fast and without errors?
If the smaller batch run works then Run the smaller one a bunch.
Or heck set it up to run via cron every few minutes and check it in a couple hours.